Monday, February 6, 2012


Ugh... *scratches head*

I'm still recovering from last night's Super Bowl shindig. It's a good thing I started on the blog yesterday!

Last week started off great with the addition of a new(er) van. Well, it might as well be a bus. I think I can get my crew, stage gear, PA, and another full band in there. Perhaps another Lafayette-based band wants to travel with us...

Big thanks to Ben from The Enders for the hook-up!

Since it's February now, the shows on the calendar are almost here. So, we jumped on the line-up at Lafayette Live on Wednesday night to start getting in the mood.

Here's the set:

"Something Else is Something More" - Adrenaline cover
"Pocket and Soul"
"Before it Gets to Me"

We'll be back this week too (& plugged in). If you can make it, put Wednesday (2/8/12) 9:20pm at the Lafayette Theater (600 Main St. Lafayette, IN 47901) on your calendar.

Consider it a short warm-up for the Animal House show in Frankfort this coming Saturday (Show info & RSVP).

Sidenote: I'm gonna try to do enough filming this week to compile a "Guilt that Keeps on Giving" video. If you're free to help, I could use it!

Back on track...

Last Thursday I made a trip over to Frankfort to jam at the Applebee's Open Mic & to plug the Animal House show.

Here's the set:

"Amputee" - Oceansize cover
"My Rx"
"Pocket and Soul"
"Before it Gets to Me"
"Out of Our Hands"

Jim Voelz, vocalist for The Mound Builders, tagged along to help spread the show gospel, hang up posters, and deliver a killer set too!

That does it for the weekly update! Before I go:

-Today should be the last day for "Settling" on iTunes and Amazon, but "Dear Reason" and the Whistle When We Break Down tracks are still there!
-I'll pull my gear ad from Craigslist in the next few days. Get your tax return? Have a credit card on file with PayPal? Let's make a deal so I don't have to list it all on eBay!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Over and out