Tuesday, February 14, 2012


As the song goes, better later than not at all, right?

Speaking of “Guilt that Keeps on Giving,” we started compiling footage from all the shows this week in an attempt to do a follow up video to “Out of Our Hands.” Hopefully it works out.

Happy Valentine’s Day, if you’re celebrating! Apologies for dropping the ball on blog day yesterday, it’s been a crazy week in IND land.

Last week began with me tracking down contact info for station managers and deejays at the stations playing my tunes. I don’t think I could’ve pulled it off without the help of my little bro and Google. It was a solid two days of work.

If any of you dudes are checking out the blog and haven’t received a ‘thanks’ in your inbox. It’s coming…

Wednesday’s set at Lafayette Live was the first time I’ve been down to the theater with my Tele and Rhodes amp in over a year. Since more than enough time had passed, Chris and Drew joined me to crank it up.

Here’s the set:

“Guilt that Keeps on Giving”
“Dear Reason”
“Feed Me a Lie”

I’m glad we got to rock it up for the regulars!

Like last week, I made the trip over to Frankfort to play some unplugged tunes on Thursday night at Applebee’s Open Mic.

Here’s the set:

“Pocket and Soul”
“Amputee” – Oceansize cover
“My Rx”
“Before it Gets to Me”
“Out of Our Hands”

As always, Jason Wells was a great host. I really dig his new track, “Hot Head Helen” a lot! Ryan (if I’m remembering his name right), a ten year old, took top honors for the night for rocking an SG and for singing and playing very well. Great job, little man!

I planned to take Friday night off to roll to Illinois for the SOiL show. My good buddy Justin, who’s a chum of Ryan McCombs (SOiL/Drowning Pool singer), had the hook-up, but the weather in Indiana had other plans. Instead of braving crappy road conditions, I took the opportunity to jam some very nice guitars from Justin’s Gibson arsenal.

The ES137, one of my favorites, made the trip to the Animal House with me the following night for our show with The Enders and The Mound Builders. The dudes in those bands are ripping guitarists that play Gibsons. Maybe I wanted to fit in…

I planned to jam the ES137 for the whole show, but I knocked the low E off the saddle during the first song; throwing the tuning out. So, I decided keep it in the case for the remainder.

Here’s the set:

“Guilt that Keeps on Giving”
“Dear Reason”
“Feed Me a Lie”
“Go Into the Water” Intro – Dethklok cover
“The Shadow I Will Leave”
“Boy of Summer” – Don Henley cover
“Pocket and Soul”
“Point #1” – Chevelle cover
“Out of Our Hands”

We ended the ‘night’ with breakfast and laughs at IHOP with the other bands (WHAT A RIOT!). I’m anxious to get on a bill again with those dudes. Big thanks to Big "C" Sound for putting on an awesome show! We’ll be back over there on April 7th.

I planned on using Sunday to wind-down and get this blog entry started. Instead, I ran an open mic at Aces Pub…

Usually, they have those shindigs on Wednesday nights. So, I called to see if I could jump in to play the next two weeks (to plug our next show down there). Finding out about the move to Sundays and that they didn’t have a host, I loaded some PA, posted the details on Twitter/Facebook, made some calls, and headed over.

If you missed it, my buddies Drew, Evan, and Mojo stopped in to cut loose and it was cool meeting and seeing Jim, Marty, and Tommy (some Aces regulars) do their thing. It’s a loose plan for me to host an open mic there every 3 or 4 weeks now; allowing me to give everyone some warning in advance. It’ll be on the calendar when I get the date(s) ironed out.

Until then, you can catch the full IND crew at Aces on Saturday, February 25th with the dudes from Born Under Burden (INFO & RSVP HERE). The radio ads start on WKHY on the 18th. Let me know if you hear my tunes on 93.5!

Finally, I’ve got licensing contracts headed my way from some big television networks/shows. Hopefully, I’ll have more info on that next week.

Huge thanks to everyone that made it out to any of the four shows last week and to you for stopping by the blog once again!

I’ll catch you next week.

Over and out