It's looking like the blog's gonna break 1500 views this week. I'm glad you keep coming back!
The Taste crew started getting heavier on the business end last week. Personally, I tagged along to some meetings, chatted with most of our band roster, & added more content to the Taste site. Everything's coming along nicely!
For a little extra incite, the Taste committees only take about a month (if that) off each year from all things Taste. Bringing together the bands, restaurants, sponsors, etc. takes a lot of time and effort, but seeing 40,000 people downtown and having a ball for the benefit of The Tippecanoe Arts Federation is super rewarding!
Save the date: Saturday, June 16, 2012. Downtown Lafayette is going to be electric.
Production-wise, we wrapped up guitar tracking on the new Arch Drive Goodbye CD last week and I got all of those tracks edited & bounced down. Getting the guys to put down their acoustic guitars and beef-up with my signature Dishaster 4790 amp from Rhodes Amplification is newer territory for them. The songs are pretty rockin'! Now, we're sorting through some vocal parts.
My good buddy Johnny Bhive stopped by IND HQ last week too. I always enjoy being able to sit down and talk shop with other musicians, especially those of Bhive's caliber. Hopefully our schedules will line up for a future collaboration!
Shows, shows, shows...
I made it back down for a Lafayette Live visit last week. I wish I could give a little review, but the show I saw Saturday night at the Knickerbocker with The Melting Pot and The Heavy Company was so sick that I have a little memory loss. The Melting Pot, featuring members of Root Hog and Uncle Buck's Mojo Box, jammed Booker T & The MGs tunes and my boys in The Heavy Company's Midwest Psychedelia was thick and conducive to head bobbing. I may have been toe-tapping a shaking my backside a bit; truly a public outburst for myself. I apologize to anyone that may have witnessed this. :-)
Side note: The Heavy Company guitarist/vocalist Ian Daniel has a pretty sweet Lafayette Shows site up HERE.
On the IND side, we've been jamming more new tunes for the February shows. We'll be at the Animal House on 2/11/12 with The Mound Builders and at Aces Pub on 2/25/12 with Born Under Burden. For more details on these dates and to RSVP, check out the Fan Page. While you're there, consider hitting the 'like' button. :-)
Speaking of the Animal House show, it'll mark the first time in a long time that I'll be cranking my amp up in Frankfort. Jeremy Chambers, bassist for 50/6 Feet, has gotten involved with booking over there and is putting together some awesome shows. Jim Voelz, The Mound Builders' vocalist, and myself plan to sneak into town this Thursday night (2/5/12) to plug the show and jam some tunes at Applebees Open Mic Night. If you start digging for change now, TMB & IND CDs & shirts will be on hand.
Ok, 3 things before I go...
First, Emily Larimer (Chemcoma drummer/vocalist) released an awesome new track over on the Tempest Fare Facebook Page. Check it out!
Second, I'm still trying to move some of my unused gear HERE on Craigslist. If there's room on your credit card or your tax refund is burning a hole in your pocket, shoot my a reply on the listing.
Third, I finally figured out that #FF stands for 'Follow Friday' on Twitter. Yeah, I'm embarrassed. Anyway, if you're hip to Twitter and follow @ChrisJuneIND, I'll hook you up with a Friday mention.
That does it for this week, thanks for stopping in!
I'll see you Frankfort peeps on Thursday!!!
Over and out

This is the source for the inside scoop on Chris June IND; including writing, recording, performing, etc. You'll get more dirt here than tweets & status updates. Typically, new blog entries get posted every Monday and whenever something too interesting to not write about happens. I’ll try to keep my entries short-winded and light-hearted. Maybe I can make them funny. We’ll see.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
Hey all! Have you been bitten by the tax bug yet?
I have!
I've spent quite a bit of time buried in my computer getting everything ready to go and getting my sales tax settled.
Yeah, I like to keep it legit.
I'd feel pretty dumb about speaking my mind about the government and doing my civic duty if I didn't pay up (or if I complained about paying).
Moving on...
It's been a little crazy trying to juggle schedules with the crew over the last couple of months (because of some shift changes with the boys), but we're rolling steadily again and working up some new jams.
This is good, because after a lot of homework & waiting, the show dates are solidifying! For those of you that are weekly readers, 'like' the Fan Page, and/or follow me on Twitter, you'll get a chance to plan ahead and see us 'weapons hot'. It beats those last-minute, pick-up shows, right?
Mark your calendars:
02/11 w/ The Mound Builders in Frankfort at the Animal House
02/25 w/ Born Under Burden in Lafayette at Aces Pub
03/03 w/ lots of other locals in Lafayette at La Parranda for a benefit for a shooting victim and a charity of the Lafayette City Council's choice
04/07 in Frankfort at the Animal House
and finally...
06/16 in Lafayette at the Taste of Tippecanoe
For the rumor mill... I do volunteer for the Taste (lots of people do). I didn't vote myself in. I'm not taking any payment from them. I busted my tail like everyone else on the roster, support the cause 100%, and very honored to participate. :-)
I encourage everyone to get involved with the Tippecanoe Arts Federation and Taste of Tippecanoe.
Now that I covered that, kudos to all the musicians performing this year. I'm especially ecstatic that these locals will be in the lineup: Little Boxes, Snorb!, Green Room Rockers, The Mound Builders, Kyle Bledsoe, Jeff Anderson, Years, Johnny B Hive, Jason Wells, Space Cadet Vibe, Moonshine Mason and the Rot Gut Gang, Scott Greeson, Michael Kelsey, Joe Peters, Amanda Fletcher, and Hillary Tribbett!
This show is going to be crazy!
I'll have updates on all on all upcoming dates on the Fan Page and the Shows Page as the info comes in. I hope I see you out!
Moving on further...
I finally got my first radio report this week. Good News!
CSCR, KAMP, KAOS, KDHX, KIDE, KKSM, KMUD, KNSU, KPSU, KTSW, KXZY, Radio UTD, WBWC, WHRV, WIDB, WIDR, WIUX, WIXQ, WMCO, WMUC, WMVL, WORT, WPHS, WRHU, WSBU, WUMM, WUOG, and WVAU have added Whistle When We Break Down to their stations’ playlists!
I have!
I've spent quite a bit of time buried in my computer getting everything ready to go and getting my sales tax settled.
Yeah, I like to keep it legit.
I'd feel pretty dumb about speaking my mind about the government and doing my civic duty if I didn't pay up (or if I complained about paying).
Moving on...
It's been a little crazy trying to juggle schedules with the crew over the last couple of months (because of some shift changes with the boys), but we're rolling steadily again and working up some new jams.
This is good, because after a lot of homework & waiting, the show dates are solidifying! For those of you that are weekly readers, 'like' the Fan Page, and/or follow me on Twitter, you'll get a chance to plan ahead and see us 'weapons hot'. It beats those last-minute, pick-up shows, right?
Mark your calendars:
02/11 w/ The Mound Builders in Frankfort at the Animal House
02/25 w/ Born Under Burden in Lafayette at Aces Pub
03/03 w/ lots of other locals in Lafayette at La Parranda for a benefit for a shooting victim and a charity of the Lafayette City Council's choice
04/07 in Frankfort at the Animal House
and finally...
06/16 in Lafayette at the Taste of Tippecanoe
For the rumor mill... I do volunteer for the Taste (lots of people do). I didn't vote myself in. I'm not taking any payment from them. I busted my tail like everyone else on the roster, support the cause 100%, and very honored to participate. :-)
I encourage everyone to get involved with the Tippecanoe Arts Federation and Taste of Tippecanoe.
Now that I covered that, kudos to all the musicians performing this year. I'm especially ecstatic that these locals will be in the lineup: Little Boxes, Snorb!, Green Room Rockers, The Mound Builders, Kyle Bledsoe, Jeff Anderson, Years, Johnny B Hive, Jason Wells, Space Cadet Vibe, Moonshine Mason and the Rot Gut Gang, Scott Greeson, Michael Kelsey, Joe Peters, Amanda Fletcher, and Hillary Tribbett!
This show is going to be crazy!
I'll have updates on all on all upcoming dates on the Fan Page and the Shows Page as the info comes in. I hope I see you out!
Moving on further...
I finally got my first radio report this week. Good News!
CSCR, KAMP, KAOS, KDHX, KIDE, KKSM, KMUD, KNSU, KPSU, KTSW, KXZY, Radio UTD, WBWC, WHRV, WIDB, WIDR, WIUX, WIXQ, WMCO, WMUC, WMVL, WORT, WPHS, WRHU, WSBU, WUMM, WUOG, and WVAU have added Whistle When We Break Down to their stations’ playlists!
Much gratitude to all the folks at these stations for giving the tunes air. Also, thanks to the Tinderbox crew for getting the word out about the CD.
I'll keep you in the loop as more reports come in.
I've mentioned previously that I'm doing some production/engineering/programming/mixing work on the new Arch Drive Goodbye CD, and we wrapped up rhythm guitar tracks yesterday. We cranked my Rhodes amp, had some laughs, I twisted some arms, and the dudes survived. I can't wait to hear the finished product & I hope they're eager to share it! It's cool they're going into some 'electric' territory.
Well, that does it for this week's update.
As always, thanks for stopping by. For my musician readers, the listing HERE of my music gear has been updated with new toys that I need to liquidate.
I'll catch you next week!
Over and out
Monday, January 16, 2012
Happy MLK Day! Do you have the day off? Not me...
I met most of the Lafayette Music Scene last Monday night at the City Council meeting to speak out against the proposed entertainment ordinance. Good news: the ordinance was tabled! You can find more info HERE. Check out the chump in the bottom right corner of the picture. :-)
Drew & I jammed out some newer tunes (newer to the acoustic set, that is) Wednesday night at Lafayette Live. It was great to make new friends & have some dudes join us on the last song!
Here's the set:
"My Rx"
"Guilt that Keeps on Giving"
"No Second Chance" - Adrenaline cover
"Amputee" - Oceansize cover
I ended the music week by stopping by the Hoot Night show at the Lafayette Brewing Company. The Moundbuilders, Threat Level, and I-Exist threw it down!
Highlights included loud tube amps, lots of rocking, and adult drinks. Buddy from I-Exist is also a Rhodes Amplification artist and we spent some time chumming with Mr. Rhodes himself.
If you get a chance, ask Buddy why he was rocking a Tele that night. :-)
Coming up soon...
February 25th the IND crew will be joining forces with Born Under Burden at Aces Pub in Lafayette for a night of loud rock tune-age. RSVP/Show Info HERE.
Audiokult Radio will be rockin' Whistle When We Break Down in the near future.
Finally, I'm selling some gear that I haven't been using. If you need some new toys, are looking for a screaming deal, or would like to contribute to the student loan fund, I have the stuff listed HERE.
That's does it for the weekly update. Thanks for stopping by!
Over and out
I met most of the Lafayette Music Scene last Monday night at the City Council meeting to speak out against the proposed entertainment ordinance. Good news: the ordinance was tabled! You can find more info HERE. Check out the chump in the bottom right corner of the picture. :-)
Drew & I jammed out some newer tunes (newer to the acoustic set, that is) Wednesday night at Lafayette Live. It was great to make new friends & have some dudes join us on the last song!
Here's the set:
"My Rx"
"Guilt that Keeps on Giving"
"No Second Chance" - Adrenaline cover
"Amputee" - Oceansize cover
I ended the music week by stopping by the Hoot Night show at the Lafayette Brewing Company. The Moundbuilders, Threat Level, and I-Exist threw it down!
Highlights included loud tube amps, lots of rocking, and adult drinks. Buddy from I-Exist is also a Rhodes Amplification artist and we spent some time chumming with Mr. Rhodes himself.
If you get a chance, ask Buddy why he was rocking a Tele that night. :-)
Coming up soon...
February 25th the IND crew will be joining forces with Born Under Burden at Aces Pub in Lafayette for a night of loud rock tune-age. RSVP/Show Info HERE.
Audiokult Radio will be rockin' Whistle When We Break Down in the near future.
Finally, I'm selling some gear that I haven't been using. If you need some new toys, are looking for a screaming deal, or would like to contribute to the student loan fund, I have the stuff listed HERE.
That's does it for the weekly update. Thanks for stopping by!
Over and out
Monday, January 9, 2012
Hey all!
Last week started out great! I started off by picking up my younger brother from the airport and getting him back home for the first time since he left for Afghanistan.
As the week progressed, I picked up a few unplugged shows to get out and play. Plus, this was the first time that all 3 of us bros got to hang at the shows. *That rhymed*
Drew tagged along too and kept the low-end solid.
First up was a short set at Lafayette Live on Wednesday night.
Here's the set:
"Out of Our Hands"
"Pocket & Soul"
"Before it Gets to Me"
"Zzyzx Rd" - Stone Sour cover
Side note: I'll be back at the Theater this Wednesday (1/11) to do another set. All the details are listed on the Shows Calendar. I hope to see you out!
My slot last week was right after my buddies Arch Drive Goodbye. We have a blast with those dudes, so Drew & I teamed up with them for 2 more extended sets at Java Roaster and Uncorked on Friday and Saturday, respectively.
Here's the set (Yeah, yeah, cliche rock n' roll trick of playing the same set...):
"Guilt that Keeps on Giving"
"Something Else is Something More" - Adrenaline cover
"Dear Reason"
"Amputee" - Oceansize cover
"Before it Gets to Me"
"My Rx"
"Out of Our Hands"
"Pocket and Soul"
Since most of those tunes are pretty serious, we mixed it up by throwing in covers of Chef songs too. :-)
Thanks to everyone that came out, IT WAS A BLAST!!!
Switching gears to a more serious topic, the Lafayette Music Community was tipped off to the City Council's attempt to pass an ordinance to make promoters/venues/artists apply for permits to have shows in town. You can find info HERE and HERE.
The Lafayette Music Club has mobilized on Facebook in an effort to get this blocked. Please join up!
The City Council was supposed to consider the ordinance tonight at Lafayette City Hall (20 North 6th Street, Lafayette, IN) at 7pm. Though the 'consideration' is being delayed, we still plan to attend tonight's meeting.
That does it for this week's update.
Before I jet, kudos to all my new 'like-rs' on the Fan Page. Also, if you hip to picking up my music digitally from iTunes and Amazon, you only have until February 6th to download "Settling."
Thanks for stopping by!
Over an out
Last week started out great! I started off by picking up my younger brother from the airport and getting him back home for the first time since he left for Afghanistan.
As the week progressed, I picked up a few unplugged shows to get out and play. Plus, this was the first time that all 3 of us bros got to hang at the shows. *That rhymed*
Drew tagged along too and kept the low-end solid.
First up was a short set at Lafayette Live on Wednesday night.
Here's the set:
"Out of Our Hands"
"Pocket & Soul"
"Before it Gets to Me"
"Zzyzx Rd" - Stone Sour cover
Side note: I'll be back at the Theater this Wednesday (1/11) to do another set. All the details are listed on the Shows Calendar. I hope to see you out!
My slot last week was right after my buddies Arch Drive Goodbye. We have a blast with those dudes, so Drew & I teamed up with them for 2 more extended sets at Java Roaster and Uncorked on Friday and Saturday, respectively.
Here's the set (Yeah, yeah, cliche rock n' roll trick of playing the same set...):
"Guilt that Keeps on Giving"
"Something Else is Something More" - Adrenaline cover
"Dear Reason"
"Amputee" - Oceansize cover
"Before it Gets to Me"
"My Rx"
"Out of Our Hands"
"Pocket and Soul"
Since most of those tunes are pretty serious, we mixed it up by throwing in covers of Chef songs too. :-)
Thanks to everyone that came out, IT WAS A BLAST!!!
Switching gears to a more serious topic, the Lafayette Music Community was tipped off to the City Council's attempt to pass an ordinance to make promoters/venues/artists apply for permits to have shows in town. You can find info HERE and HERE.
The Lafayette Music Club has mobilized on Facebook in an effort to get this blocked. Please join up!
The City Council was supposed to consider the ordinance tonight at Lafayette City Hall (20 North 6th Street, Lafayette, IN) at 7pm. Though the 'consideration' is being delayed, we still plan to attend tonight's meeting.
That does it for this week's update.
Before I jet, kudos to all my new 'like-rs' on the Fan Page. Also, if you hip to picking up my music digitally from iTunes and Amazon, you only have until February 6th to download "Settling."
Thanks for stopping by!
Over an out
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Happy 2012!
Since having the open low string to chug on is important to meaner music and/or drop-D tuning, there are 7 traditional major keys (plus their relative minors) that’ll give you a D note (open 6th string). For the most part, I start in these & go beyond them as necessary.
Some of you had yesterday off, and, for the most part, I did too. My younger brother flew into the state after being gone most of last year in Afghanistan, so I spent some time catching up.
Instead of doing the normal thing of talking about new songs, how cool Lafayette Live was last week, or shows in the works, I’m going to take a few minutes to do some legit blogging & actually share some useful info…
Several of my music buddies have asked me some music theory-related questions (a lot of my songs are sounding the same, I need to branch out, any pointers?)...
So I’ll touch on some ‘keys’ with you.
My guitars are tuned to ‘Drop C’: all strings tuned a whole step down, with the 6th string tuned another whole step down (CGCFAD).
Side note: I refer to notes as if they’re in standard tuning with a *, the * meaning relative to a step down. For example, if you’re a whole step down & I said, “Play a C Major,” you’re likely to play a C Major chord shape, not a D Major Chord shape. The C shape you’re playing would be a Bb in reality, the D would be C Major. See how this could get confusing?
Since having the open low string to chug on is important to meaner music and/or drop-D tuning, there are 7 traditional major keys (plus their relative minors) that’ll give you a D note (open 6th string). For the most part, I start in these & go beyond them as necessary.
D Major*: D E F# G A B C# D
C Major*: C D E F G A B C
Bb Major*: Bb C D Eb F G A Bb
A Major*: A B C# D E F# G# A
G Major*: G A B C D E F# G
F Major*: F G A Bb C D E F
Eb Major*: Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb
Here's a .jpg diagram of what the first 7 frets of your guitar neck will look like in these keys. You should be able to right-click it, save, print, etc.
Remember, you can build any major key following the interval formula: Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Whole, Half.
Eb Major*: Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb
Here's a .jpg diagram of what the first 7 frets of your guitar neck will look like in these keys. You should be able to right-click it, save, print, etc.
Remember, you can build any major key following the interval formula: Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Whole, Half.
Start with the root note & add notes up in that order. (B to C & E to F are half step changes).
If it helps, here’s an octave of all 12 notes from A to A. The bold notes are the white keys on a piano, the normal print would be the black keys.
A - A#/Bb - B - C - C#/Db - D - D#/Eb - E - F - F#/Gb - G - G#/Ab - A
While I’m at it, don’t scoop your mids or turn your amp’s gain all the way up! :-)
I hope this helps!
That does it for this week. Thanks for stopping in!
Since Facebook decided to be a pain last week & prevented me from posting links for the 2011 Recap, you can find it HERE.
Over and out
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