You know what I'm thinking? FIRE.
Since I spent most of last week on administrative biz (sending my lyrics to the Discovery Channel, booking shows, artwork, tweaking the new timeline crap), there's really not a whole lot to report.
Btw, totally not kidding about Discovery Channel... They wanted them and I was humored.
So, for my guitarist buddies: How about some guitar talk?
If you're not into the technical side, my normal weekly-ish scoop is below.
I recently tabbed out my song "Guilt that Keeps on Giving"; going as far as to make every ' - ' an eighth note.
For this entry, we'll start with the intro section (which has 3 guitar parts) and the first verse. These two sections are pretty similar (use the B Major/G# minor key signature: B C# D# E F# G# A# B or G# A# B C# D# E F# G#).
Make sure your guitar is tuned low-to-high: CGCFAD and your metronome is set to 200bpm.
Here's the Intro Rhythm. Play the whole section 4x.
If you're a boss, you'll be able to down-pick all of this. Also, if you're new to tabs, the PM indicates notes that are palm-muted (shoot me a message if I need to explain that technique).
Note: I am not a boss. :-)
The main melody section plays through the whole intro. This is a very basic part, but could be tricky timing-wise. I think you'll get it pretty quick though. Play each group of measures 2x (the second group changes a little when the harmony comes in). Because of formatting, I had to make this picture smaller to get the whole part in.
The main harmony section jumps in half-way through the melody. The notes are all a 3rd down from the melody line. Play this 2x.
Here's the rhythm end tag.
Finally, here's the rhythm for the first verse. See? Very similar to the intro rhythm... Play the whole section 2x.

Who knows? Maybe something new will inspire you.
I'll note that the song is copyrighted in case anyone tries to pull some funny business!
Back to the scoop...
We didn't get the new group shots last week, but it's happening tomorrow. If you haven't checked out the gear at, shoot them a visit. Perhaps you can guess what they sent.
As previously mentioned, we're sporting some of that goodness in front of the camera...
Also on this-coming Tuesday night (3/13/12) at 8pm, the crew on Dig N' Graves Radio Show on AudioKult Radio will be featuring tracks from Whistle When We Break Down in their Burial Brawl contest. Voting lasts for one week following the show. You can tune in and vote HERE.
Also, kudos to the AudioKult Radio crew for spinning my tunes!!!
Speaking of contests, thanks to all that helped our bros in The Mound Builders advance to Round 2 of Heavy Planet's March Bandness contest! If you have a second, they can still use a couple of clicks from you: VOTE HERE

Well, that does it for the update.
Final Plug: these links allow you to subscribe to the blog, follow @ChrisJuneIND on Twitter, and 'like' Chris June IND on Facebook.
Thanks for stopping by!
Over and out