I've been pounding coffee and losing sleep for a couple of days while shooting the new video for "Out of Our Hands."
But... since it's blog day, I'm taking a short break from that.
Some coolness happened over the week. Tim Brouk at the Journal & Courier said some cool words about my new jams. You can check the article out HERE (at JConline.com).
Thanks Tim!
Also, remember way back (July, I think) when I mentioned something about going to the WBAA studio to chat & play some songs for the Local Music Show?
Well, the podcast is up! <--Follow the link to listen
It's fun to look back on. Sure, there are mistakes/bugs and things I'd say differently now, but such is life... and such is rock 'n roll. :-)
Thanks Bitsy & Shea!
Now, onto last week's recap:
I got out to catch some sweet sets by Joe Peters, Hillary Tribbett, Nick Berkshire, etc. at Lafayette Live on Wednesday night. As always, it was good times & great tunes.
Thursday I went over to the Applebee's Open Mic in Frankfort to hang with Jason Wells and jam a little.
Here's the set:
"Dear Reason"
"My Rx"
"Pocket and Soul"
"Before it Gets to Me"
"Nutshell" - Alice in Chains cover
I should mention that my wing man, Clayton Smith, took lead on the last song. If you're unfamiliar, Clayton and I founded the band Adrenaline back in '98 & caused trouble with the group until around '03. Since Thursday night's shindig coincided with his trip 'back home' from his new stomping grounds out West, we decided to spend a couple of nights practicing via internet & share the stage like old times.
The post-show debauchery was both a blast and NSFB (Not Safe For Blogging). Sorry to leave you hanging. You should hang out more. :-)
The fun continued on Friday night when I lent a hand with sound duties for a stacked bill at the Knickerbocker. Dirty Rotten Sunshine, The Vallures, Green Room Rockers, and The Half Rats had the place packed & moving. Great bands make running sound simple! Great show, dudes!!
Now for more shameless self promo:
If you have any holiday commuting to do this week, I strongly recommend picking up Whistle When We Break Down for the trip. It can be had for $.99 per song on iTunes or Amazon ($2.97 total) or for $1 per song at Bandcamp ($3 total). It's a steal!!!
Disclaimer: be careful with "Guilt that Keeps on Giving," it'll make you drive fast.
Speaking of fast, I gotta cut it short & get back to biz.
Thanks for stopping by, I'm off to do more work on the new video.
Have a happy Thanksgiving!!
Over and out