After a few more days of tweaking, I should be able to declare the back cover done; allowing me to send everything off for duplication when the audio masters get back...
In addition to the two indie singles that I put out earlier this year, the band has been playing all three tracks from the EP and mixing in a few others. It's looking like we'll be in 'show' shape on schedule & I'll start adding dates to the calendar.
Speaking of shows...
As noted last week, my buddies in The Mound Builders just got their new CD back & are having their Release Show this Saturday (9/17) at Jerilee's in Lafayette. Local rockers The Enders & Our Albatross are on the bill for the show too. It's going to be a great time, for sure!
That does it for this week's *short* update. I have to get going on completing the weekly IND Agenda so that I can hit up tonight's show at Preston's, Lafayette Live on Wednesday, TMB's Release Show on Saturday, and attend Taste of Tippecanoe meetings on Sunday & next Monday.
See you next week!
Over and out