I think the wife did her best to run the juice out of me in Florida, but when I got home & saw the new Chris June IND logo shirts sitting at the front door, I whipped back into biz mode. If you need a new black t-shirt and/or want to support local biz, these are going for $15. The sizes range from Small to XL; with my logo on the front & my Sponsors on the back. Since these have been flying out of my hands, I can't guarantee availability in your size. Hit me up through Facebook or ChrisJuneIND.com to arrange a transaction.
I spent Saturday night hanging out with some buddies & sponsors at the birthday shindig of Artisan Electric owner Chris Voglund. It was a blast! I drank a lot of Peoples Brewing Co. beer & had some tasty grub from D&R Market. I took the Martin with me because I was told that some late night jamming may occur & ended up playing a short set between Mike Reeb & Snorb! I'm happy to be sandwiched in that lineup anytime. Those dudes flat-out rule! Check them out!!
Chris, Drew, & I had another loud, rockin' practice last night. Those dudes are as excited as I am to get this ball rolling. I may add an extra guitarist/instrumentalist to the crew if the schedules can flow. If not, no biggie. We're set to stomp as a 3-piece and I'll be booking from October-Armageddon starting soon!
Thanks for stopping by again! I'll be spending the rest of the week giving guitar lessons and polishing some tunes to play for my slot at the Rockerbox show at Traditions in Watseka, IL on Saturday. If you're up around that way, we'd love to see you out! Details are on the Shows Page and the Facebook Event.
Over and Out.