Tuesday, February 8, 2011


What a long day of staring at a computer screen...

Ladies and gentlemen: the ball has been set into motion and my new track "Settling" is being processed for internet consumption. It's kind of out of my hands now (which, is actually a line from one of the next songs I'm recording). Funny stuff.

Anyway, I spent most of the day doing tweaks to my new .com and making all of my social networking sites uniform as far as name and message goes. Blogger doesn't let me change my account name, so I guess I jumped the gun on starting this. I did manage to get the content from here to dump to the .com and people will be able to get an rss feed from there.

I'm talking too much about the future. I'll let you know more about that jive when it goes live. Whew, totally smooth.

Chemcoma played at the Lafayette Brewing Co. over the weekend as a part of Hoot Night with The Heavy Company and The Shakeups. I think we all had a blast and entertained some folks. I'd love to do it again sometime.

I'll be dropping off the band tax info to get worked on this week & preparing for our scheduled video shoot for the weekend. Hopefully our videographer's schedule holds up!

Unless something crazy happens, I'll catch back up with you next week!