This is the source for the inside scoop on Chris June IND; including writing, recording, performing, etc. You'll get more dirt here than tweets & status updates. Typically, new blog entries get posted every Monday and whenever something too interesting to not write about happens. I’ll try to keep my entries short-winded and light-hearted. Maybe I can make them funny. We’ll see.
Monday, February 20, 2012
The radio push for Whistle When We Break Down is heating up too. I let loose a list of stations spinning my tunes a couple of entries ago. After finishing an email blast thanking them, I received another report. So, now there's more!
Bear Cast Radio (Cincinnati, OH), CHMR (St. Johns, Newfoundland), CJSR (Edmonton, Alberta), KDUP (Portland, OR), KKSM (San Marcos, CA), KMUD (Redway, CA), KNSU (Thibodaux, LA), KSLU-2 (Hammond, LA), KSTO (Northfield, MN), KSYM (San Antonio, TX), KUIW (San Antonio, TX), KVRX (Austin, TX), KXUL (Monroe, LA), KXZY (Stillwater, OK), Radio Phoenix (Phoenix, AZ), Radio UTD (Richardson, TX), SCAD Radio (Atlanta, GA), WAIH (Potdam, NY), WBIM (Bridgewater, MA), WBSR (Providence, RI), WBWC (Berea, OH), WCCX (Waukesha, WI), WCHC (Worcester, MA), WCVM (Morrisville, NY), WCWM (Williamsburg, VA), WECI (Richmond, IN), WFCF (St. Augustine, FL), WGDR/WG (Plainfield, VT), WGSU (Geneseo, NY), WGTB (Washington DC), WHUS (Storrs, CT), WIDB (Carbondale, IL), WIDR (Kalamazoo, MI), WITR (Rochester, NY), WIXQ (Millersville, PA), WLUR (Lexington, VA), WMCN (St. Paul, MN), WMCO (New Concord, OH), WMHD (Terre Haute, IN), WMHW (Mt. Pleasant, MI), WMTU (Houghton, MI), WMUR (Milwaukee, WI), WMVL (Purchase, NY), WMXM (Lake Forest, IL), WORT (Madison, WI), WPMD (Norwalk, CA), WQAQ (Hamden, CT), WRBC (Lewiston, ME), WRFW (River Falls, WI), WRHU (Hempstead, NY), WRNC (Ashland, WI), WRRC (Lawrenceville, NJ), WRTC (Hartford, CT), WRUV (Burlington, VT), WSBU (St. Bonaventure, NY), WSWI (Evansville, IN), WUDR (Dayton, OH), WUMM (Machias, ME), WUOG (Athens, GA), WUPX (Marquette, MI), WVAU (Washington DC), WVKR (Poughkeepsie, NY), WVMW (Scanton, PA), WVUD (Newark, DE), WYBF (Radnor, PA), and WZBT (Gettysburg, PA).
Quite a few stations have the disc in heavy rotation and/or charting in their top ten. In the case of WPPJ in Pittsburgh, I fulfilled a request from them on Saturday to record and submit a station ID/plug for them use as a transition into my songs. "Hey! This is Chris June IND and you're listening to..."
It was a lot of fun to do!
That does it for this week's blog.
I'm off to get some touch-up ink done with my main-man Eddie at Sacred Apple in a bit. If you're making the trip to Chicago to catch In Flames on Tuesday night, my buddy Brian (from The Mound Builders) and myself will be there throwing horns. Also, the IND crew will be doing an acoustic set Wednesday night for Lafayette Live at the Lafayette Theater at 10pm to plug Saturday's Show.
Also, if you notice that you're a regular on the blog, consider following @ChrisJuneIND on Twitter and 'Liking' Chris June IND on Facebook.
Thanks for stopping by!
Over and out.